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Child dentistry is not prototypical dentistry. It involves helping the children develop a positive bent of mind towards oral hygiene and health. Child dentistry has to be practiced in a way so as to alleviate the fear associated with dental clinic and dental treatment from a child’s mind right from the beginning.
Visiting a dentist can be scary for a child especially if child is in pain. Well, it doesn’t have to be. The earlier you introduce your child to the dentist, the more comfortable they’ll be. The first visit should be short, more like an ice-breaker than a working appointment. If they feel welcome and safe, the subsequent visits would be stress-free, both for the parents as well as the child.
Few tips.
· Treat it as a casual sneak preview, not a special event. Help your child understand why it is important and make him feel comfortable. Don’t look stressed out or anxious yourself.
· Let your child converse with the staff freely or look around the facility casually so as to acclimatize with the new environment.
· Make the ‘preview visit’ during a quiet time of the day instead of it being a rushed out appointment during busy schedule.
· While at clinic, allow us to share some tips about right way of brushing and home care of teeth.
The appearance of little white spots in a gummy smile mark the first milestone of a child’s growth, new parents so anxiously wait for. These pint-sized choppers play an important role in the development of not only permanent teeth and mouth but also the middle and lower face.
The babies are born with an initial set of 20 teeth known as Deciduous Teeth. They lay protected beneath the gums during the initial stages of breast-feeding. The first tooth (most likely the lower front tooth) pokes out of the gums somewhere around 6 months of child’s age and the child would have all 20 milk teeth by the age of 3 years.
Initial signs of teething appear when the child is about 4 months of age though the first tooth would appear in the mouth around 6 months of age. The most obvious signs of teething are :-
What to do
A word of caution
Milk teeth are more organic, softer than the permanent teeth so they are more prone to cavities. Taking care of milk teeth will go a long way in ensuring that the child has a good permanent dentition that lasts him a lifetime. Regular visits to the dentist are recommended. Help your dentist help the child keep his milk teeth in the mouth till they are needed.
The mixed Dentition period; the time when the milk teeth are shedding & the new permanent teeth are erupting is the best time to consult the ORTHODONTIST.
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